Never Get Stranded Again with 24-Hour Roadside Tire Assistance!

Your vehicle is your lifeline to the world. It gets you to work, helps you pick up the kids after school, and keeps you moving so you can accomplish the thousand things on your to-do list. So when it breaks down due to a flat tire, you need fast, reliable support to get you back on the road.

That’s why we at Route 62 Tires offer dependable roadside services 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. When you need help getting back to your busy schedule, give us a call and get your tire fixed or repaired fast.

Fast, Reliable Response Times

Emergencies are called emergencies because they happen when you least expect them. And leave no doubt, a flat tire seems to only happen when you’ve got some place to be, someone to pick up, or in the middle of the night. At Route 62 Tires our mobile technicians respond quickly to replace or repair your tire to get you going again. No matter the time of day or the weather, give us a call and we’ll be there to have your back.

Here are a few reasons why we’re the best roadside tire support team in the area:

When a Flat Tire Keeps You from Reaching Your Destination, call 786-366-3557 and Get Help Immediately!

Customer Reviews

Route 62 Tires, saved my day by getting the job done, fast and professionally, allowing us to finish our drive on time....

Roger Kenly: Kenly Truck Services

Route 62 tires are great when it comes to service and support. Always showing up on time to get the ob done when need. I'd recommend to anyone who needs a road service assistant to call Route 62 Tires first...

Peter Mcfilley: PM & Services
Call 786-366-3557 and Get Help Immediately!